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Introduction To Foam Rolling

Written by Mason Morris.  Published by
When in doubt, roll it out!  Trainers, physicians, athletes, and amateurs have readily adopted this mantra as the popularity of the foam roller continues to permeate the health and fitness world.  These tools are relatively new to the mainstream rehabilitation arena, rising in popularity in the early 2000’s.  Now they are available in countless shapes, sizes, colors, and materials.  With all these different options that are available on the market, it is time to take a look at what exactly foam rollers are, what they are designed to do, and how to utilize them.Read More


Boost Your Immunity? Replacing Hype With Healthy Living

Written by Damon Hendrickson. Published by

It seems almost impossible these days to walk down an aisle at the store or watch an episode of your favorite T.V show without being inundated with hundreds of commercials and ads for the newest super product that will boost your immune system 1000%. With so many products claiming to fight off disease by boosting your immunity it is worth asking the question: “What exactly is my immune system? And should I be boosting it in the first place?” In this article we will be both clarifying some very common misconceptions, as well as providing insight into the many steps you can take to keep from getting sick this holiday season.Read More